Top and bottom plate made from 5 1/2" Flex-C Plate
Galvanized – 20 Ga. Steel Sheet Track: ASTM A653, Galvanized Steel.
Standard protective coating equal or superior to ASTM A653 A 40.
Slidable Strap:
Galvanized Sliding Steel Strap(for all headers): ASTM A653, Galvanized Steel Strapping.
Standard protective coating equal or superior to ASTM A653 G60 or A60.
Dimensions: .750" x .024"
Slidable Sheet Metal:
Galvanized sheet metal ASTM 653
Standard protective coating equal or superior to G60
16 gauge
Wood Studs Residential Version:
# 2 yellow pine
Dimensions: 1 1/2" x 3 1/2"
Fixing Radius Screws:
#8 1 1/4" modified truss self drill ASTM C954-93 with a coating meeting or exceeding ASTM A641-92
For complete technical information, please download the cutsheet.