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Gypsum Association Adds Tools to Its Website (Revised Resource)

OCTOBER 8, 2019

Everything needs a reboot from time to time to stay current and optimize functionality. This is quite evident in our technology-driven world that depends on the ability to find information fast. The Gypsum Association (GA) recently redesigned its website,, and we think you will like the added features and improved performance.


Efficiently and effectively providing technical expertise on gypsum panel products was the objective of the new redesign. Responding to technical questions about gypsum panels and systems is among the association’s core competencies. The redesign includes more robust search functionality and new content, and it is optimized for mobile devices. Downloading and page loading times are decreased markedly compared to the former site.

For the first time, offers short educational video clips intended to convey important information about the specification, installation, finishing, handling and storage of gypsum panel products. This category of building products includes: drywall, exterior gypsum sheathing, mold and moisture resistant panels, shaftliner panels and other special performance gypsum panel products.

A Guide to GA-600-2018 Fire Resistance and Sound Control Design Manual is a video tutorial on using the GA’s flagship publication—a 400-page manual—to quickly identify a code-compliant gypsum system that meets a project’s specific fire-resistance and sound-control needs. Similarly, a new video FAQ series has been launched to address more complicated technical questions in plain language and with helpful visual aids. Additional FAQ videos will launch over the coming months.

“As the technical center for gypsum panel products, is a resource for a broad spectrum of A/E/C constituencies, including code officials, who ensure the safety of our built environment,” notes AP Executive Director Stephen Meima, APR, LEED Green Assoc. “While I can’t imagine a time when the GA will cease to maintain a dedicated technical services phone line, these enhancements to the association’s online presence will provide the design and construction community with even more and even better access to the GA’s technical expertise.”


The work that associations do is vital to the continuity and efficiency of the construction industry. It is proven that businesses function better and workers’ skills are enhanced when they rely on groups like GA. Take the time to peruse what GA now offers online, and enjoy the reboot.  


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